Transitioning to Certified Organic
Curious About Going Organic?
Are you interested in transitioning to organic, but don’t know if it’s a good fit for you or your businesses? Do you want to learn more, but are not sure where to start? Transitioning to organic can be both rewarding and challenging, and we are here to help! OEFFA has dedicated transition staff, resources, and services to help guide you through the process step by step.
Phone Assistance
We are happy to talk about your operation, prior land use, transition timeline, and transition questions. If you’re confused about something in the Organic System Plan (OSP), we can talk you through it over the phone. Contact an OEFFA Sustainable Agriculture Educator at 614-421-2022 or
Transitional Verification
Our skilled certification staff can thoroughly review your completed OSP during your transition period to help you prepare for your first year’s application to be certified organic. Normally this service costs $450, but for a limited time, through TOPP, this service is free for transitioning producers. Take the first step by reaching out to
On-Farm Reviews
Transitional on-farm readiness reviews are typically offered on a fee-for-service basis for operators, but are now free for a limited time through TOPP. An OEFFA organic educator with inspection experience will conduct a mock inspection, answer questions, and offer observations and suggestions specific to the farm or business. This is a great way to become more comfortable with the inspection portion of the certification process, gain expert insight into organic practices, and build knowledge of the certification process. Contact to learn more.
OEFFA is a proud partner in the Midwest Transition to Organic Partnership Program (TOPP). This regional network provides mentorship, technical assistance, and wrap-around support for transitioning and existing organic producers. We serve producers in Arkansas, Kentucky, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Michigan, Minnesota, Missouri, Ohio, Tennessee, and Wisconsin. Learn more about TOPP here.
Don’t let transition or certification be harder than it needs to be. We’re here to help!
Contact an OEFFA Sustainable Agriculture Educator Today!
Transition Resources
In addition to the below resources, we’re also happy to send you paper or digital copies of application packets, sample recordkeeping forms, or templates for documenting that your inputs are allowed for use in organic production (even early on in your transition process) so you can get a sense of the requirements, records, and paperwork.
Organic Transition Flowchart
This flowchart guides you through how to approach and time your transition to organic. View or download an electronic version here.
Organic Transition Guide and Workbook
This guide and workbook will walk you step-by-step through the transition process, explain the organic standards, and ultimately help you develop an Organic System Plan (OSP) that will prepare you to apply for certification. View or download an electronic version here.
- Dig Deeper: Transition to Organic The Rodale Institute describes considerations for transitioning farmers.
- EQIP Organic Initiative This USDA NRCS site includes information about the Environmental Quality Incentives Program (EQIP) Organic Initiative, which provides assistance to help organic producers plan and implement conservation practices.
- GO Organic Checklist California Certified Organic Farmers has developed a simple, ten step check list for transitioning to certified organic.
- NRCS Organic Farming Resources and Handbook This USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) site includes links to factsheets, webinars, and other resources, including a handbook on NRCS resources for conservation planning on organic and transitioning farms.
- OEFFA Transition Talk Videos In this two-part video series, OEFFA's certification team discusses the certification process and shares helpful tips for getting started.
- Organic Certification Guidelines Q&A This two page guide developed by the Northeast Organic Farming Association of Vermont, answers frequently asked questions about the certification process.
- Organic Certification Made Simple: Bite by Bite Florida Organic Growers and the National Organic Program have developed a 26 part video series providing a step-by-step overview of organic production requirements and the organic certification process.
- Organic Transition: A Business Planner Use this Sustainable Agriculture Research and Education (SARE) business planner to evaluate if organic certification makes good business sense for your farm or facility.
- Transition to Organic Fact Sheet This USDA fact sheet provides an overview of organic production requirements and the organic certification process.
Ohio Ecological Food and Farm Association
150 E. Wilson Bridge Rd. Suite 230
Worthington, OH 43085
OEFFA:(614) 421-2022 (614) 421-2022
OEFFA Certification:(614) 262-2022 (614) 262-2022
Fax:(614) 421-2011 (614) 421-2011