Fees and Deadlines

Producer Deadlines & Fees:


Producer Deadlines & Fees:
Early Bird January 15th $50
NEW Producer Deadline April 15th
Renewing Producer Standard Deadline February 15th
Renewing Producer First Late Fee April 15th $150
late fee
Renewing Producer Final Deadline May 15th $350
late fee

OEFFA Producer & On-Farm Handlers Fee Sheet


New Applicants: The application deadline is April 15th, 2024 for new producers operating in the standard growing season. If you have never been certified, fees are based on projected gross sales from organic products and services for your first 12 months of organic certification. We may accept applications at any time during the year from producers who operate outside of the standard growing season such as maple syrup, greenhouse, mushroom, microgreen, or poultry operations. Producers who are certified by another certifier and looking to switch their certification to OEFFA may apply at any time. Please contact us if one of these applies to you.

Renewing Applicants: The Early Bird deadline for renewing producers is January 15, 2025. Have your application postmarked by this date to receive the best rate. The standard deadline is February 15, 2025. May 15, 2025 is the final deadline for renewing producer applications.

You are required to renew annually. The Certification staff will notify you before your renewal application is due.

Grower/Producer Fees:

Tiers 2024 Organic Gross Sales
(New Producer use projected annual sales)
Application Fee
Fee / After Reimbursement
Tier 1 < $9,999 $1,150 / $400
Tier 2 $10,000-$29,999 $1,250 / $500
Tier 3 $30,000-$49,999 $1,350 / $600
Tier 4 $50,000-$69,999 $1,450 / $700
Tier 5 $70,000-$89,999 $1,550 / $800
Tier 6 $90,000-$109,999 $1,600 / $850
Tier 7 $110,000-$129,999 $1,650 / $900
Tier 8 $130,000-$149,999 $1,750 / $1,000
Tier 9 $150,000-$169,999 $1,800 / $1,050
Tier 10 $170,000-$209,999 $1,850 / $1,100
Tier 11 $210,000-$249,999 $1,900 / $1,150
Tier 12 $250,000-$299,999 $1,950 / $1,200
Tier 13 $300,000-$399,999 $2,050 / $1,300
Tier 14 $400,000-$499,999 $2,300 / $1,550
Tier 15 $500,000-$599,999 $2,550 / $1,800
Tier 16 $600,000-$699,999 $2,800 / $2,050
Tier 17 $700,000-$799,999 $3,050 / $2,300
Tier 18 $800,000-$899,999 $3,300 / $2,550
Tier 19 $900,000-$999,999 $3,550 / $2,800
Tier 20 $1,000,000-$1,499,999 $3,800 / $3,050
Tier 21 $1,500,000-$2,499,999 $4,050 / $3,300
Tier 22 $2,500,000-$4,999,999 $4,550 / $3,800
Tier 23 > $5,000,000 $5,000 / $4,250

Note: Fee includes $400 inspection base fee. Inspection expenses over $400 are billed separately. You can help keep your inspection costs lower by being prepared for your inspection. Certified operations may apply to their appropriate state agency for cost-share reimbursement.

OEFFA Handler/Processor Fee Sheet


New Applicants –  If you have never been certified, fees are based on projected gross sales from organic products and services for your first 12 months of organic certification. Organic handlers who operate their facility on a year-round basis may submit an Organic System Plan at any time during the year. Handlers who operate their facility on a seasonal basis must submit their Organic System Plan so that the initial inspection can occur when the facility is in operation. Late fees do not apply to new operations.

You are required to renew annually. The Certification staff will notify you before your renewal application is due.

Handlers Fees:

Tiers 2024 Organic Gross Sales
(New Handlers use projected annual sales)
Application Fee
Fee / After Reimbursement
Tier 1 < $50,000 $850 / $100
Tier 2 $50,001-$249,999 $1,500 / $750
Tier 3 $250,000-$499,999 $2,550 / $1,800
Tier 4 $500,000-$699,999 $3,750 / $3,000
Tier 5 $700,000-$899,999 $5,000 / $4,250
Tier 6 $900,000-$2,499,999 $6,250 / $5,500
Tier 7 $2,500,000-$4,999,999 $7,750 / $7,000
Tier 8 $5,000,000-$9,999,999 $9,250 / $8,500
Tier 9 > $10,000,000 $12,250 / $11,500

Note: Handler inspection fees and expenses are additional and will be billed after the inspection. Inspection fees typically range from $300 to $1,200. Certified operations may apply to their appropriate state agency for cost-share reimbursement.


Ohio Ecological Food and Farm Association
150 E. Wilson Bridge Rd. Suite 230
Worthington, OH 43085


OEFFA:(614) 421-2022 (614) 421-2022
OEFFA Certification:(614) 262-2022 (614) 262-2022
Fax:(614) 421-2011 (614) 421-2011

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