Materials Review
To ensure compliance with NOP rules, OEFFA certification must review all input materials and products that are used by all of our certified operations. All inputs submitted on Organic System Plans (OSPs) are checked for compliance with the NOP Standards.
If you wish to use a product that was not included on your OSP and you do not find it in one of the three lists below, please submit it by emailing or by phone.
materialsreviewoeffaorg or (614) 262-2022
OEFFA Approved Product Lists
sends a copy of its Approved Products List with application paperwork
and an updated copy mid-growing season. Products on this list have been
reviewed and approved for use by OEFFA clients. Please note that some
products may have restrictions which will be included with the
product’s listing. While we do not publish this list online, we are
happy to send a copy to OEFFA clients.
Organic Materials Review Institute:
OMRI is an independent materials review organization that provides materials review services to manufacturers of products for the organic market. Products that are OMRI-listed are approved for OEFFA’s clients to use. OMRI products may also have restrictions on their use. A searchable database of OMRI-approved products is available here.
Washington State Department of Agriculture Organic Program
WSDA provides materials review services to manufacturers and OEFFA also accepts determinations made by WSDA. Their lists are available for download here.
To submit a product for review, please provide as many of the following details as possible:
- Product Name
- Manufacturer Name
- Manufacter Contact Information
- Product Label
- List of Ingredients
The process to review a material can take up to two weeks or more depending on the complexity of the product and the responsiveness of the manufacturer or distributor. OEFFA will contact you once a decision is made.
Please note:
Products we approve must be used in accordance with your approved OSP and according to the label instructions. There are also additional restrictions on the use of some products. Products we deny are not currently allowed for any use. Our product review decisions should not be interpreted as endorsements or indictments of any specific product, group of products, or manufacturer. Our approval may not be used for marketing or sales purposes. Decisions are subject to change as the formulations of products, the NOP regulations, or interpretations thereof change. If you are unsure of the status of any product, please call the office before using it.
Ohio Ecological Food and Farm Association
150 E. Wilson Bridge Rd. Suite 230
Worthington, OH 43085
OEFFA:(614) 421-2022 (614) 421-2022
OEFFA Certification:(614) 262-2022 (614) 262-2022
Fax:(614) 421-2011 (614) 421-2011