
OEFFA Organic System Plan for Producers

This is the main application for crop and mushroom producers, those managing pasture for livestock or poultry, and those managing trees for maple syrup production.

Please note that we do not certify hydroponic operations, which exclude soil. Learn why.

OEFFA Livestock and Poultry Organic System Plan

This is the main application for poultry and livestock producers, including dairy managers. If you manage livestock or poultry, submit this form in addition to the Organic System Plan for Producers.

Please note that we do not certify chicken porches as a replacement for outdoor access. In the absence of livestock standards for beekeeping, we also do not certify apiculture.

OEFFA Organic System for On-Farm Handlers (Producers/Handlers)

If you are a handler (or producer/handler) please contact our office to make sure we have the capacity to work with your type of operation. You may email us or call.

OEFFA Producer & On Farm Handlers Fee Sheet

NOP Standards

OEFFA Certification Policies & Procedures

Ohio Ecological Food and Farm Association
41 Croswell Rd.
Columbus OH 43214


OEFFA:(614) 421-2022 (614) 421-2022
OEFFA Certification:(614) 262-2022 (614) 262-2022
Fax:(614) 421-2011 (614) 421-2011

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