Producer Renewal Payment

Application Fee

Base Application Fee – If you have never been certified, fees are based on projected gross sales from all organic products and services for your first 12 months of certification. If currently or previously certified, fees are based on your 2024 gross sales from all organic products and services. Organic Gross Sales will be verified at inspection. Certified operations may apply to the appropriate agency in their state for organic certification cost-share reimbursement. 

The Application Fee includes a $400 Inspection Base Fee. Additional inspection fees will be charged to operations that are complex, have multiple locations, or otherwise require additional time spent on-site, and for higher inspector travel costs. You can minimize additional inspection fees by being organized and well-prepared for inspection.
Application Fee $1,150
(Cost after Reimbursement $400)
Application Fee $1,250
(Cost after Reimbursement $500)
Application Fee $1,350
(Cost after Reimbursement $600)
Application Fee $1,450
(Cost after Reimbursement $700)
Application Fee $1,550
(Cost after Reimbursement $800)
Application Fee $1,600
(Cost after Reimbursement $850)
Application Fee $1,650
(Cost after Reimbursement $900)
Application Fee $1,750
(Cost after Reimbursement $1,000)
Application Fee $1,800
(Cost after Reimbursement $1,050)
Application Fee $1,850
(Cost after Reimbursement $1,100)
Application Fee $1,900
(Cost after Reimbursement $1,150)
Application Fee $1,950
(Cost after Reimbursement $1,200)
Application Fee $2,050
(Cost after Reimbursement $1,300)
Application Fee $2,300
(Cost after Reimbursement $1,550)
Application Fee $2,550
(Cost after Reimbursement $1,800)
Application Fee $2,800
(Cost after Reimbursement $2,050)
Application Fee $3,050
(Cost after Reimbursement $2,300)
Application Fee $3,300
(Cost after Reimbursement $2,550)
Application Fee $3,550
(Cost after Reimbursement $2,800)
Application Fee $3,800
(Cost after Reimbursement $3,050)
Application Fee $4,050
(Cost after Reimbursement $3,300)
Application Fee $4,550
(Cost after Reimbursement $3,800)
Application Fee $5,000
(Cost after Reimbursement $4,250)

Livestock and Poultry Fee

If requesting certification for livestock or poultry for the first time, include OSP for Livestock & Poultry with application. Eligible for reimbursement.

Producer-Handling Fee

Read the Details
For producer certifying an on-farm handling operation. If certifying on-farm handling for the first time, include OSP for Handlers and calculate fee based on whether your operation will handle multiple-ingredient products. Operations that handle only single-ingredient products, or only provide a service such as roasting but do not mix ingredients, pay the lower fee. Eligible for reimbursement. Refer to OEFFA’s Handling Certification for Producers policy for what types of handling require Handling scope certification.

Rush Requests

Rush Tier 1 – OEFFA will assign an inspector as soon as possible after the receipt of the complete OSP and payment; inspector will submit report within 2 business days of inspection; we will notify the operator of compliance issues or issue a certificate within 5 business days after the inspection report is received. Certification is not guaranteed.

Rush Tier 2 – OEFFA will make every effort to complete the process in less than 90 days. Certification is not guaranteed.

* Rush service is required if you are submitting a request to add something new to your certificate that requires inspection (new land, crop type, scope, facility, etc.) if that request is received less than 60 days prior to the requested certification/approval date.

Grass-fed Certification

If you would like to Add grass-fed certification

OSP Printed Copy

If you would like us to make a copy of your full OSP and mail it back to you.


Applications submitted by January 15 will receive a $50 discount.
If referred from an OEFFA-certified operation, you may deduct $100 from your initial application fee. Provide the name and operation number of the operation who referred you to OEFFA.
(Credit Card payments incur a 3% recovery charge, plus .15 cents.)
Product total
Options total
Grand total
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